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The Learning Centre: Writing

Writing Tutoring

Peer tutors help with written assignments for all Douglas College courses at any stage of the writing process. 

Real-time Online Tutoring Sessions

Peer tutors meet with you one-on-one in real-time online to discuss your writing process in 25-minute or 55-minute sessions. 

Your tutor can also reserve ongoing sessions for you for a few weeks at a time to work together on specific assignments and skills. 

Find an appointment on the Writing Tutor Schedule 

Submit a Draft for Online Feedback

Peer tutors read your writing assignments and respond with questions, feedback and resources to improve your writing.  

Submit your draft for review using the same scheduling system where you make tutoring appointments. Choose a time you'd like your draft returned to you, and upload your assignment instructions and your draft.

Submit a draft to a peer tutor

English Language Learning 

Professional Tutors are available for help with the English language skills necessary for college course work.

More information and the current schedule


Handouts and other Resources

Handouts with strategies and information to improve your writing, grammar and citation skills.

Writing Process Resources

prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising and integrating sources in APA, MLA, et al.

Grammar  and Punctuation Resources

editing for grammar errors, comma use, subject-verb agreement, and others


WriteAway ​

As a Douglas College student, you may also submit your assignments to WriteAway tutors for feedback. 

WriteAway is a service in BC that gives students at participating institutions the opportunity to receive online writing assistance.

Qualified tutors from each of the participating institutions staff the service and provide feedback on students' draft writing assignments.



Our Tutoring Approach for help with your writing assignments

Our goal is to help you improve your writing skills. 
Because we want you to get better, we will not do the fixing, correcting, or writing for you. 

In your tutoring session, peer tutors will:

  • help you evaluate and understand the assignment instructions
  • discuss your questions about your writing
  • review writing techniques, such as thesis development, organization and use of topic sentences
  • suggest methods for improving your reading practices and writing
  • identify error patterns in your writing and help you improve your editing skills

Limits to help from a peer tutor may include:

  • choosing only one or more serious errors
  • showing you how to fix errors by using separate examples and guiding you to helpful resources
  • giving editing advice and practice so that you learn how to improve your own editing skills
  • suggesting that you ask your instructor for answers to questions that the peer tutor cannot answer

Creative Commons License
This website and handouts produced by the Learning Centre are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License unless indicated otherwise on the page or document.