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Artificial Intelligence

Citing content generated by artificial intelligence (AI) tools

Remember to always have permission from your instructor before using AI tools (for content generation, editing help, etc) in any of your class assignments. It is also your responsibility to evaluate the content for accuracy, authority, bias, and currency.

If you use content generated by AI tools, it is important that you cite that information. The Douglas College Library citation guides for APA, MLA, and Chicago each have an example of how to cite AI content (see guidance for each style in the links below).

How to acknowledge the use of AI in your class assignments

In addition to properly citing content generated by AI both in-text and if your final reference list (as per the citation style guidelines), some recommend the following information also be included: 

  • Written acknowledgment of the generative AI tool used and for what purpose
  • The prompt(s) used to generate the content 
  • A note about your modifications
  • Include the original output with your submission (either a screenshot or printout of the output or a custom link using a third-party tool like ShareGPT or AI Archives 

Examples of written acknowledgments

Below are two examples of what a written acknowledgment could look like. It is important that you check with your instructor for their requirements for each assignment. 


I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to generate materials for background research and self-study for this assignment. I entered the following prompts on 7 March 2023:

  • Write a 100 word summary about the history of the city of New Westminster. Add two references.

The original output was adapted and modified for the final response. A copy of the original output is attached with my assignment.


I acknowledge the use of ChatGPT ( to refine the academic language and accuracy of my own work. I submitted my entire essay and entered the following prompts on 7 March 2023:

  • Improve the academic tone and accuracy of language, including grammatical structures, punctuation and vocabulary.

The original output was adapted and modified for the final response. A copy of my original essay and a copy of the original output are attached with my assignment.

Adapted with thanks from Monash University.