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Zines@Douglas: Local Zine Collections & Fairs

Zines at the Douglas College Library, Zine resources for faculty and students

Local Zine Collections

Vancouver Public Library Zine Collection

"Zines reflect the diversity of our communities and showcase writers and artists who are outside of the mainstream publishing world. The Vancouver Public Library acquires zines from independent book and music stores, online distributors, at Zine fairs, by mail order and through word of mouth." Zines are at both the Central and Mount Pleasant locations. Collections can be browsed by topic.   

VPL Picks: Zine suggestions

Spartacus Books

101 - 1983 Commercial Drive, Vancouver

Zines, anarchist books, comics, music and a hub for alt culture with awesome volunteers that know their way around the zine scene.

Lucky's Comics

3128 Main Street, Vancouver


Lucky's is a haven for zinesters, lovers of comics and graphic novels. A great place to spend some time shuffling in the back to find those unique zines for your own collection.  

Regional Assembly of Text

Down from Lucky's, located at 3934 Main Street in Vancouver, BC. 

Home for thousands of art books and zines in a closet turned library. The reading room provides a quiet place to read or research the endless possibilities for self-publishing.

Zine and Indie Culture Libraries

Broken Pencil's zine and indie culture libraries from Canada and around the world.


Local Festivals and Events

The Canzine Festival of Zines and Independent Print Culture was first held in Toronto in 1995. The Canzine event displays thousands of zines and small press works and hosted hundreds of writers and performers. 

Vancouver Art/Book Fair.  A festival for zines, magazines, and small press books. This event features talks, performances, and artist projects.

Portland Zine Symposium The Portland Zine Symposium (PZS) is an organization that hosts, among other events, a yearly free conference and zine social exploring facets of independent publishing and DIY culture. This event has been held in Portland, Oregon every summer since 2001 and hosts over 150 zinesters from around the world each year, as well as many free workshops, panels, and discussions.