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Zines@Douglas: New Zines

Zines at the Douglas College Library, Zine resources for faculty and students

New to the Zine collection

Solastalgia: Eco-Anxiety Digital Zine 

Solastalgia is a full-colour community-based zine that aims to normalize eco-anxiety and the large spectrum of emotions that youth feel as a result of climate change. It is composed of art, poetry and other writing by BC youth. Read it online at

Creeker Volume 1

The first of a series of zines, Creeker “aims to bring reflection, depth, variety, critique and continuity to the ongoing process of reflecting on the Ada’itsx/Fairy Creek blockade and related efforts. It’s intended for creekers themselves, land defenders elsewhere, and the land defenders yet to come.” 

Bleeding Thunder

A full-colour anthology zine that explores genderqueer menstruation, full of drawings, photographs, poetry and essays from a variety of queer contributors. In the words of co-editor, Fenix Grace, this collection seeks to “be a site of resistance and resilience for you too.”

shortandqueer # 12: menstruation, not punctuation (periods.)

After four years on testosterone, Kelly got his period for the first time. This made him think about his history with and relationship to periods, which resulted in this zine. It navigates the difficulty of finding language adequate to describe his experiences while still honouring his identity. The zine also includes period stories from other zine writers.

Canadian Mining Impacts and Resistance Movements

Created by students in support of the Mining Justice Alliance, this zine focuses on Canada’s (and specifically, Vancouver’s) involvement in mining. Aimed at building awareness of the issues, it includes a list of resistance organizations as well as a call to action.

Twenty Years of Bleeding

A perzine full of stories from every phase of her life by Emma, a cis woman in her early 30s, with some information about menstrual cups and period underwear.

Abolish Supportive Housing

A zine created by the Red Braid Alliance that contains information on types of supportive housing and why it has become a way for the government to control and invade poor people's lives.

Between Storms

Assembled in solidarity with the ongoing Wet'suwet'en resistance to industrial expansion, this zine contains a map outlining the solidarity actions from coast to coast from Fall 2021 to Summer 2022, along with reflections and analysis from people involved.

Indigenous Mutual Aid

Compiled resources for COVID-19 mutual aid organizing, this zine is a living document and undergo updates as needed.

You're So Exotic

Collaged photographs of author overlaid with racialized questions she receives on a regular basis.

A Disability Manifesto

A book of personal affirmations and manifesto on disability justice 

An Imagined Dialogue With a Defender of Taking Photos of People

A pamphlet subtitled "Counter-arguments for those who don’t want to contribute to the spectacle of the end of the world, but to end the world of the spectacle" this interrogates how we think of and use images in activism  

[Signal Fails]

Signal is an encrypted messaging service. This zine talks about security issues of app use with a proposal for better practices for communicating and organizing

The Forest in the City: Two Years of Forest Defense in Atlanta

This Crimethinc zine details the campaign to defend the forest in Atlanta, Georgia where there are plans to build a police training compound known as Cop City.

An Illustrated Struggle for Housing from Canada to the Philippines

This zine aims to raise awareness of the housing struggle in Sitio San Roque, Quezon City, the Philippines, by drawing connections to systemic oppression across the globe. It was created as part of a thesis titled, Architectural Activism and the Philippines: On the Self-Built and Self-Published which can be read at

Mixed Feelings

A graphic comic autobiography on growing up Métis, exploring what does that mean, and what the experience is like, by Two-Spirit Queer, Autistic comic artist Rhael McGregor.

Arts of Resistance

A collaborative zine created by Carolyn Chernoff in support of criminalized survivors of domestic violence. Compiled from work created in hands-on workshops in Philadelphia, with additional work from zinesters and scholars.

Trans/Disabled Bibliography

Full-colour mini-zine by Saul Freedman-Lawson about overlaps in transness and disability. Kind of a reading list, kind of an essay, kind of a question about how artists cite our sources.

Digital Daze

A zine produced by faculty, staff and students at Douglas College that reflects on the various experiences of navigating unfamiliar technologies in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.    

Zines Created by Douglas College Students

spill it. stories of menstruating on campus

spill it. features qualitative responses from an exploratory research study, involving a survey and campus audit. The study aimed to document access to menstrual products and student experiences with menstruation on campus. As a first zine author and artist Rebecca Johnson hopes that spill it. will illuminate what it's like to menstruate on campus, and inspire others to share their story. 

Earth is not what we think

EARTH IS NOT WHAT WE THINK is a 2020 poetry zine which explores cartography, early GIS software, esoteric geography, ontological terrorism, the end of the world, and the perils of the relationship between maps and the territories they represent and create. Created by Douglas College Zine Research Assistant and Zinester Nat Begg


Little Feminist Zine (Issue 1) : Pandemic edition

This zine emerged as a class project in a Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies (GSWS 1101) class with Douglas College faculty instructor Jaime Yard. The planned distribution was to “little libraries” around our New West campus and our homes. When COVID 19 social isolation measures were put in place the editorial team rapidly pivoted to bring this e-zine to you! 

Out of the Ruins

This zine emerged as a class project in a Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies (GSWS 1101-01) class with Douglas College faculty instructor Sally Mennill in Winter 2021.

Little Feminist Zine (Issue 2) : Pandemic edition

A student-edited collection published as the second in a series of zines. the Little Feminist Zine (LFZ) began as a class project in a Winter 2020 Gender Sexualities and Women’s Studies (GSWS) 1101 at Douglas College. Planned as a paper zine to be distributed in “little libraries” around our Coquitlam and New Westminster campuses the project took on new life as an ezine after the sudden pandemic lockdown. 

Contemporary issues in GSWS

This zine emerged as a class project in a Gender, Sexualities and Women’s Studies (GSWS 1101-02) class with Douglas College faculty instructor Sally Mennill in Winter 2021.

Dish Pit: thoughts, feelings and strategies

Created by Douglas College student Nico Branham, this zine details the experiences of working as a dishwasher, and is a vivid personal story that touches on labour issues in the field.

HEMA: Modern Art of Swordplay

This zine was created by Douglas College student Mikita Lukashou for a typography class, and showcases their interest in swordfighting and a brief history and introduction to European Martial Arts.