"When a nongovernment organization is both author and publisher, you may skip the Author element and begin the entry with the work's title. List the organization only as publisher."
Title of Document. Name of Government Department, Agency or Committee, Publication Date, URL.
Agriculture in Harmony with Nature: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Sustainable Development Strategy 2001-2004. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2001, https://publications.gc.ca/collections/Collection/A22-166-1-2001E.pdf.
Name of Government, Department, Agency or Committee. Title of Document. Name of Website Publisher, Publication Date, URL.
British Columbia, BC Centre for Disease Control. Tetanus. Provincial Health Services Authority, 2021, www.bccdc.ca/health-professionals/clinical-resources/case-definitions/tetanus.
Parenthetical: (Agriculture in Harmony 18)
Narrative: Agriculture in Harmony (18)
Parenthetical: (British Columbia, BC Centre for Disease Control)
Narrative: British Columbia, BC Centre for Disease Control
MLA has a principle of removing redundancy. So, if the government author and publisher are the same you would either
This example omits the Author element:
Title. Name of Publisher, Date, URL.
Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators. Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2021, https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/eccc/documents/pdf/cesindicators/ghg-emissions/2021/greenhouse-gas-emissions-en.pdf.
Parenthetical: (Canada's Greenhouse 17)
Narrative: Canada's Greenhouse (17)
Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Document. Name of Publisher, Publication Date, URL.
Pearson, Caryn. The Impact of Mental Health Problems on Family Members. Statistics Canada, 7 Oct. 2015, www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-624-x/2015001/article/14214-eng.pdf.
Parenthetical: (Pearson 4)
Narrative: Pearson (4)
Information Use by the Ministry of Health in Resource Allocation Decisions for the Regional Health Care System. Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia, 2002.
Parenthetical: (Information Use 22)
Narrative: Information Use (22)