The MLA 9th ed. does not provide rules for citing specific types of resources. Instead, they provide a universal set of guidelines for any type of material based on the core elements. The examples provided in this citation guide were created by Douglas College librarians and follow this format.
Brennan, Patricia. "Pulmonary Case Studies." NURS 3130: Supplementary Readings, edited by Lucinda Robertson, Douglas College, 2017, pp. 17-25. Course Pack.
MLA does not give specific instructions on how to cite custom course packs. It is always best to check with your instructor. Our example is based on SFU's recommendation to treat the course pack as an anthology when they are reprinting articles, chapters etc. The instructor would be the editor with this approach.
MLA states "The final supplemental element can be used to indicate the medium of publication for a work whose format would otherwise be ambiguous (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 213). In the example above including Course Pack at the end of the citation will indicate the type of work.
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Original publication date. Title of Course Pack, edited by Instructor's First Name Last Name, Douglas College, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx. Course Pack.
Johnson, Victor. "A Labour of Love?: Mothers and Emotion Work." Original publication date. NURS 3130: Supplementary Readings, edited by Lucinda Robertson, Douglas College, 2020, pp. 30-44. Course Pack.
(Johnson 35)
With reprints of original works, MLA states "Although you should record the publication date of the version of the source you consult, giving the original publication date can provide readers with insight into the work's creation or relation to other works. (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 210)
"Title of Lecture/Article/Reading." Name of Course, taught by Name of Instructor. Learning System, Name of Institution, Day Month Year, URL. (optional: indicate file type).
"Comics and dementia care: A Greek tragedy approach." ENGL 2315, taught by Peter Wilkins. Blackboard, Douglas College, 29 Jan. 2025, . PowerPoint file.
Instructor's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Handout." Course Number: Course Title, Douglas College, Campus, Date. Class Handout.
Smith, Donald. "Rhetorical Analysis." ENGL 1130: Academic Writing, Douglas College, Coquitlam, 14 Nov. 2021. Class Handout.
Douglas College is the publisher core element in this example.
Instructor's Last Name, First Name. "Lecture Title." Course Number: Course Title, Douglas College, Date, Location, Class Lecture.
Cannon, Dolores. "Accessing Theta." PSYC 2341: Abnormal Psychology, Douglas College, 28 Sept 2021, 700 Royal Ave, New Westminster, Canada. Class Lecture.
This citation format was based on an example of a lecture in the MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 213. If in doubt, check with your instructor
MLA 9th edition states "[f]or a physical object or an event you witnessed firsthand...give the name of the institution and sufficient amount of information to identify where it is located---whether city alone, city and state, or city and country (p. 197).