This element ends with a comma.
For more information, refer to pages 164-173 of the MLA Handbook, 9th ed.
The publisher produces the work or makes it available to the public.
To find out the the name of a book's publisher, check the title page or the copyright page which is usually on the reverse side.
Omit business words such as Company (Co.), Incorporated (Inc.), Limited (Ltd.), Corporation (Corp.).
Shorten University Press to UP (e.g. Oxford UP, U of Chicago P).
If your source has more than one publisher, separate the publishers with a forward slash (/).
On Websites, the publisher's name is often located at the bottom of the home page or on a page that gives information about the site. Omit the publisher if the title of the website is the same as the name of the publisher.
"A publisher's name may be omitted when, by convention, the publisher need not be given or there is no publisher" (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p.165). Some examples are:
self-published works
websites that do not produce the works they contain (e.g.: YouTube, WordPress, JSTOR, etc)