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MLA (9th ed.) Citation Style: Location


  • This element ends with a period.

  • The location element refers to page number or page numbers in a print resource or the web address (URL) or a digital object identifier (DOI) for online resources.

    • "For online works, the location, in order of preference, is the DOI, permalink, or URL" (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p. 188).

    • "If your source offers a URL that it identifies as stable, permanent, or persistent (sometimes called a permalink), use it in your entry instead of the URL that appears in your browser, and copy it directly from the source" (MLA Handbook, 9th ed., p.195).

  • For a single page, use p., for a range of pages use pp.

  • For more information, refer to pages 187-197 of the MLA Handbook, 9th ed.