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ASA (7th ed.) Citation Style Guide: Articles

Journal Article One Author with a DOI

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial if one. Year. "Title of Journal Article." Journal Title in Italics Volume Number(Issue Number): pp-pp. doi:xxxxx


Yavaş, Mustafa. 2024. “White-Collar Opt-Out: How ‘Good Jobs’ Fail Elite Workers.” American Sociological Review 89(4): 761–88. doi:10.1177/00031224241263497

In Text 


(Yavas 2024)


Yavas (2024) states that...

Note: Most journal articles (unless older) have a DOI so check the web version or open the PDF version of the article to check for a DOI and include it. 

Journal Article Two Authors with DOI

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial if one, and Second Author First Name Last Name in direct order. Year. "Title of Journal Article." Journal Title in Italics Volume Number(Issue Number): pp-pp. doi:xxxxx


Graetz, Nick, and Michael Esposito. 2023. “Historical Redlining and Contemporary Racial Disparities in Neighborhood Life Expectancy.” Social Forces 102(1): 1–22. doi:10.1093/sf/soac114

In Text 


(Graetz and Esposito 2023) 


Graetz and Esposito (2023) argue that ...

Journal Article 3 Authors with DOI

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name Middle Initial if one, First Name Middle Initial (if one) Last Name, and First Name Middle Initial (if one) Last Name. Year. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume(Issue): pp-pp. doi:xxxxxx


Barranco, Raymond E., Edward S. Shihadeh, and David A. Evans. 2018. "Reconsidering the Unusual Suspect: Immigration and the 1990s Crime Decline." Sociological Inquiry 88(2):335-345. doi:10.1111/soin.12195

In Text 


Barranco, Shihadeh and Evans (2018) argue that ...


(Barranco, Shihadeh and Evans 2018) 


(Barranco et al. 2018) 

Journal Article 4 - 10 Authors with DOI

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name, First Name Last Name, First Name Last Name, First Name Last Name, and First Name Last Name. Year. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume(Issue): pp-pp.


Miles, Sam, Alicia Renedo, Charlotte Kühlbrandt, Catherine McGowan, Rachel Stuart, Pippa Grenfell, and Cicely Marston. 2024. “Health Risks at Work Mean Risks at Home: Spatial Aspects of COVID‐19 among Migrant Workers in Precarious Jobs in England.” Sociology of Health & Illness 46(3): 381–98. doi:10.1111/1467-9566.13711

In Text

Note: For works with more than 10 authors, list the first seven, followed by et al. American Sociological Association Style Guide, (7th ed., 68).


(Miles et al. 2024)


Miles et al.

Journal Article Print Version OR without DOI

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name. Year. "Title of Article." Journal Title Volume(Issue): pp-pp. 


Cooke, Martin, and Amber Gazso. 2009. “Taking a Life Course perspective on Social Assistance Use in Canada: A Different Approach.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 34(2): 349–72. 

In Text


(Cooke and Gazso 2009)


Cooke and Gazso (2009) discovered that social assistance in Canada was...

Newspaper or Magazine Article Print Version

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name. Year. "Title of Article." Magazine/Newspaper Title, Month Day, pp-pp.


Varalli, Stephania. 2021. Why Gender Equality Is About More Than Gender. Maclean’s, April,55.

In Text


(Varalli, 2021)


Varalli (2021) states that ...

Newspaper or Magazine Article accessed online with a Non-Database URL

Generic format

Author Last Name, First Name. Year. "Title of Article." Magazine/Newspaper Title, Month Day, pp-pp. URL


Gao, Rebecca. 2023. "Janine Rogan believes in the radical power of personal finance education." Macleans.  

In Text


(Gao, 2023)


Gao (2023) discovered that ...

Newspaper or Magazine Article No Author (accessed online with a URL)


"Title of the Article." Year. Title of the Newspaper, Month Day. URL 


"Get on Board for Train Safety." 2012. Toronto Star, June 17.

In Text

("One two or three words from the title" Year)

Note: Choose one or more words from the title, enough to clearly identify the article. Use double quotation marks around the words from a title of an article in the in-text citation.


("Get on board" 2012)


In the article "Get on board" (2012) safety measures were ...