"In general, ASA style recommends that (1) all references, including those from legal periodicals, should be included in a reference list (rather than in footnotes...); and (2) consistency should be maintained in citing legal references" (American Sociological Association Style Guide, 7th ed., 2022:70).
Government document citations include:
See American Sociological Association Style Guide, 7th ed., 2022:70-75 for more information.
Group Author. Year. "Title of Report/Webage." Publishing Group (if different than Authoring Group), Month Day. URL.
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. 2019. "Sources and Uses of Budget 2019 Measures by Organization for April 2019." Government of Canada, April 26, https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/planned-government-spending/sources-uses-budget-measures-organization/sources-uses-budget-2019-measures-organization-04-april.html
In Text
(Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat 2019)
Author Last Name, First Name. Year. "Title of Report." Website. Publisher. URL
Choi, Rebecca. 2024. "Child Care Arrangements for Children Aged 0 to 5 With Long-Term Conditions or Disabilities, 2023." The Daily, April 22. Statistics Canada. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2024022-eng.htm
In Text
(Choi 2024)
Youth Criminal Justice Act, S.C. 2002, c.1 (2002)
In Text
(Youth Criminal Justice Act 2002)
Case name, Court docket/case number (Year). URL (if published online)
R. v. Latimer, SCC 1 (2001). https://decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/1836/index.do
In Text
(R v. Latimer 2001)