Michael Byun, Manager, Bookstores
Tim Paul, Manager, Academic Technology Services.
Responsible for Audio/Visual Recording and online content used for instructional purposes.
Katharine Shipley, Associate Director of Learning Resources.
Responsible for copyright in relation to use of Library print and digital collections.
Debra Flewelling, Open Education Librarian.
Douglas College Library subscribes to electronic resources, including:
Use of these materials is subject to license agreements, which take precedent over legislative allowances, including fair dealing. The license agreements also set out the permitted uses for the content being provided, including whether the content may be included in coursepacks, eReserves systems, the InterLibrary Loans service and/or downloaded into a learning management system.
Click on permitted uses for the database you are using:
If you cannot locate the permitted uses for a database or other electronic resource licensed by the Library please email copyright@douglascollege.ca for assistance.
Always check a license terms and conditions before using a resource for:
For questions or help determining license agreements, please contact copyright@douglascollege.ca.
The information in this resource should not be considered legal advice. The purpose of this guide is to provide Douglas College faculty and students with general information about copyright.