Michael Byun, Manager, Bookstores
Tim Paul, Manager, Academic Technology Services.
Responsible for Audio/Visual Recording and online content used for instructional purposes.
Katharine Shipley, Associate Director of Learning Resources.
Responsible for copyright in relation to use of Library print and digital collections.
Debra Flewelling, Open Education Librarian.
Section 29.5 of the Canadian Copyright Act governs the ability of educators, while on the grounds of not-for-profit educational institutions, to play sound recordings "before an audience consisting primarily of students of the educational institution, instructors acting under the authority of the educational institution or any person who is directly responsible for setting a curriculum for the educational institution."
For a recap, see the Sound Recordings section of this guide to check if your intended use falls within the permitted uses under the Act.
All other uses of sound recordings on College premises requires permission and may require a license through SOCAN and/or Re:Sound. Contact copyright@douglascollege.ca for assistance.
If your intended use does not fit within what is permitted under section 29.5 you may need to seek out a license from the rights' holder(s) for the sound recordings in question. Alternatively you may consider using an openly licenced music/sound recording. See the box below for a sample of open music repositories.
Music and other sound recordings can be played in class for educational purposes providing that the copy or source is a legal one and that no technological protection measures were broken for this use.
However, you cannot:
• Upload copyright protected music to Blackboard or any other course management system
• Make copies for distribution without permission.
If you wish to upload music to Blackboard (for example), use music in the public domain or that is licensed for re-use (Creative Commons). Otherwise you must seek permission from the copyright holder. Fair dealing permits the copying of an entire single musical score from a copyright-protected work containing other musical scores. However, copying of an entire musical score that is not in a work containing other musical scores is NOT permitted without obtaining permission.
The following is not an exhaustive list, but an example of the sorts of creative commons/copyright free music sites available online. Before making use of content from these or any other music repository double check the site's permitted uses as well as the license conditions for the specific files you wish to use.