Michael Byun, Manager, Bookstores
Tim Paul, Manager, Academic Technology Services.
Responsible for Audio/Visual Recording and online content used for instructional purposes.
Katharine Shipley, Associate Director of Learning Resources.
Responsible for copyright in relation to use of Library print and digital collections.
Debra Flewelling, Open Education Librarian.
Streaming video cannot be copied or downloaded and stored in Blackboard or any other course management site without permission from the copyright holder as per Article 29.5 the Copyright Act.
Please note: Personal "on demand" subscriptions (iTunes, Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.) cannot be screened in class due to licensing restrictions. If the terms of the agreement state that use is limited to “personal” or “household”, then classroom use is not permitted.
Consider the following questions before using an online video in class:
For example, you cannot show a PBS documentary, posted on YouTube by someone called EnthusiasticFan000345.
This should be explicitly stated if it is not a streaming site available through Douglas College Library.