The following provide open-access (freely available) research datasets. Note: "open access" does not necessarily mean that all the data are available for any type of use. You will likely find that the data have been made available by means of some sort of licence, such as Creative Commons - which detail exactly what uses are permitted or not. Most licences also include a citation requirement. Make sure to read any licence thoroughly before downloading and using any open-access dataset. |
Center for Global Development (Dataverse platform): The Centre "is an independent, nonpartisan "think-and-do tank" based in Washington, DC and London that works to reduce global poverty and improve lives through innovative economic research." Research focusses on reducing global poverty through sustainable development, financial inclusion, gender equity, migration, education and more.
Humanitarian Data Exchange(HDX): HDX "is an open platform for sharing data across crises and organisations.... to make humanitarian data easy to find and use for analysis....HDX is managed by OCHA's Centre for Humanitarian Data, which is located in The Hague, the Netherlands. OCHA is part of the United Nations Secretariat."
Pew Research Centre Datasets: "Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world." It's most famous for its public opinion polls on a wide variety of socio-economic topics. You must register for an account to download datasets.
The following are data collections generated / provided by a government authority in Canada. These may also have some type of access restriction, e.g., may only be accessible after a certain amount of time has passed, aka an "embargo," or limited to certain types of users, such as researchers at post-secondary institutions. Some of these collections may include a mix of openly available and restricted datasets.
Make sure to carefully read all "permitted uses" and/or "access restrictions" documentation before making use of anyone else's datasets. |
The BC Data Catalogue includes many datasets on a wide variety of provincial topics, including historical drought levels, surgical procedure wait times, small business profiles, a bee survey and much more.
Health Data Platform BC: Data topics include chronic disease registry, COVID-19 Hospitalization and Critical Care Reports; Medical Imaging Wait Times (MIWT); Surgical Wait Times (SWT) and much more.
Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) - Statistics Canada:
FRDR: The Federated Research Data Repository (FRDR) is a multidisciplinary, bilingual data repository that is freely available to researchers working at any Canadian institution eligible for funding from the Tri-Agencies - which includes Douglas College.
Borealis is a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada.
ODESI: "is a Canadian social science data repository and online exploration and analysis tool. It contains 5,700+ datasets curated by academic libraries in Canada." A particular strength is its collection of public opinion datasets.
Canadian researchers are not obligated to deposit their research data in one of the Canadian national repositories. Depending on the context, it may be more appropriate to deposit in a discipline-specific repository. The following are great resources to check out. |
re3data - aka, Registry of Research Data Repositories, "is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines." You can search by name or browse by subject, content-type or country.
Repository Finder - focusses on the "Earth, space and environment sciences community.... The tool is hosted by DataCite and queries the re3data registry of research data repositories."
Harvard Dataverse - Not a registry - but one of the world's largest collections of datasets from researchers "from any discipline, both inside and outside of the Harvard community."
FAIRSharing - "A registry of knowledge-bases and repositories of data and other digital assets." You can search by organization, domain, country and/or subject.
PLOS recommended repositories - from PLOS ONE - provides links to recommended repositories by discipline. Includes cross-disciplinary options as well.
The NIH provides information and links to a number of data repositories - both for generalist/multidisciplinary repositories as well as NIH-supported scientific repositories.
Nature has a great Data Repository Guidance page that includes a curated list of science data repositories, including health sciences, material sciences and the social sciences.
OAD (Open Access Directory) Data Repositories - from Simmons University, provides a "list of repositories and databases for open data."