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A podcasting guide that lists equipment, software, and resources that Douglas College offers to help you produce a podcast.

More than just audio!

image of a letter board with new podcast episode announcementPodcasting is more than just audio - you'll need cover art, a show description, and episode titles to go in your RSS feed. Keywords will help you tag your episode to make your content more discoverable. And audiences have come to expect transcripts and show notes with links to supplementary materials.

Cover Art

Your podcast's cover art is its visual identity, so it should reflect your theme and be instantly recognizable in various podcast directories, especially on mobile apps where it might appear in different sizes. Consider your colour palette and fonts - do they align with your brand and website? Like a logo, your cover art can serve promotional and merchandising purposes, so invest time and thought into its design. Your cover will be the most identifiable aspect of your podcast. You can create your design using user-friendly platforms like Canva and Snappa, or more advanced software such as Adobe Photoshop. Ensure that your image file meets the file type, resolution, and aspect ratio required by podcast directories. e.g. 

  • File type: TIFF, PNG, JPEG formats using lossless encoding
  • Size: At least 640 x 640, 1400 x 1400, 3000 x 3000 pixels
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1
  • Color: encoded with sRGB color space, 24 bits per pixel

Title / Description / Tags

Pick a unique title for your podcast (and ensure it is unique by checking if anyone else is already using it!) Is your title memorable? Is it descriptive? Does it sum up your show?

Your show description will inform potential listeners about what to expect. Keep it concise but broad enough to cover the various topics in your episodes. Do this by outlining your podcast's theme, the subjects you'll explore, and the benefits for your audience. Incorporate relevant keywords for SEO and to make your show discoverable in podcast directories.

Metadata tags hold more SEO sway than keywords so it's vital to pick tags that accurately reflect your content. Compare against other podcasts in your niche and select a few unique tags that distinguish your show from others. And remember, don't go overboard with tags as this lowers relevance ranking - keep it relevant and focused!