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Faculty Publishing Guide


Research and publishing are exciting and rewarding professional activities for many scholars.  This guide has been designed to provide helpful information and links about scholarly publishing in general as well as information specific to the Douglas College context. 




If you don't already have one - sign up for your ORCID ID!

An ORCID ID is a "a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research (and) scholarship.... (It creates) automatic links to all your research, and links all your research with you" (ORCID for Researchers). 

  • ORCID IDs allow you to distinguish yourself from other scholars with the same or similar names
  • and to associate all your work together over your entire career -  even if you've changed names or moved.

Resources for Douglas College Researchers

College Resources


DOOR is an institutional hub that "showcases and preserves the scholarly, research and creative works of the Douglas College community.  

DOOR also "enables Douglas College researchers who have been funded to comply with Canada's Tri-Agency Open Access Policy....(by providing an) open access software platform which...increase(s) the visibility, usage and impact of College's collective knowledge and expertise." 

Research Ethics & Policies: "This website will provide you with the information needed to obtain Ethics approval for your research proposal."

Faculty Funding & Resources: "Through the Research and Innovation Office, internal funding is available for faculty researchers to help with the expenses of conducting and sharing the research knowledge to communities and the public."

Research Support Fund: "assists Canadian post secondary institutions and their affiliated research hospitals and institutes with the expenses associated with managing the research funded by the three federal research granting agencies: (CIHR; NSERC; and SSHRC)."

Research Centres at Douglas College: "Research Centres at Douglas College are dedicated to advancing scholarly activity through community and institutional partnerships. Each Research Centre at the College is specialized in their field."  Some Centres focus on faculty-student research partnerships, while others primarily focus on student research.

Research & Innovation Office (RIO): Provides links to a wide array of useful guides, policies and funding application forms.  Requires a DC Connect login for access.


ISBNs for College Publications


Contact Kathy Peters from the Douglas College library technical services department to request your ISBN(s).

  • Note: To secure an ISBN, you will be required to send Library and Archives Canada a copy of your work upon publication.  The library is not able to do this on your behalf.
  • The cataloguing team can also create CIP (Cataloguing in publication) for the title verso page of your publication.  As above, please contact Kathy Peters for more information about this.