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Citation Managers: Zotero & Mendeley

This guide provides basic information about citation management tools and software.

Which tool should I use?

Zotero vs. Mendeley


There are a number of citation management tools available, but this guide will focus on Zotero & Mendeley as they are very popular, easy to use, reliable, and free!


They are very similar in terms of functionality and both offer comprehensive how-to guides to help new users get started. 


Other features in common:


  • Both offer a desktop application and a cloud application which easily sync to each other. 

  • Both tools are free, though there are fees for extra cloud storage space if you need more than the basic amount.

  • Both work seamlessly with the major scholarly database platforms and Google Scholar.

  • Both offer "connector" tools that allow you to import web resources with the click of a button.

  • Both allow you to attach full-text documents that are freely available/open access to the relevant citation record.

    • You can also download & attach PDFs of articles that Douglas College Library subscribes to.


See the boxes below for more details about each tool.


Zotero was developed by Mozilla and is freely available for multiple browsers and a variety of operating systems.


  • Offers 300mb free cloud storage for PDFs.  See Zotero's storage page for annual fees for larger storage limits.
    • Note, you can avoid this issue by *not* saving PDFs for your citations. 
    • It's not necessary to store these - Zotero will automatically save direct links to the items you save.
    • It is best to save only PDFs if you're concerned that the content could disappear or be revised without notice.

  • Has a fully-featured desktop application AND a (slightly lighter) web version.  Activate both to get the maximum benefit, e.g., “Register” as well as download the app to your preferred device – it’s easy to sync your work so that it appears in both places.

    • Make sure to sync to the web version if  you'll be working away from your desktop  – just keep in mind Zotero's cloud storage limit.

  • Its plug-in for Word (DC desktop version of Word only)  allows Zotero to format your in-text citations and bibliography in seconds.
    • It *should* download automatically when you download the Desktop application to your computer.
    • If you don't see the plugin when you open Word, open the Desktop app then click through the following Edit-Preferences-Cite-Word Processors-Microsoft Word – OK

  • The Desktop app has de-duping functionality - just click the “Duplicate Items” icon in the left-hand menu.

  • To seamlessly import web-based materials, add the Zotero Connector extension to your browser and pin it to your toolbar. 

  • Zotero supports research teams by allowing you to create Group libraries for your cloud account. 

    • Zotero doesn't limit the number of group members who may join, however additional members do not come with additional free cloud storage space. 
    • If you anticipate needing more than 300 MB of cloud storage see Zotero's storage page for annual fees for larger storage limits.


Zotero Help Guides

Setting up Groups

Exporting from Cochrane to Zotero


Mendeley was originally developed by PhD students but was acquired by Elsevier in 2013.


  • As with Zotero, the Word plug-in (Mendeley Cite) only works in the College desktop version of Word - if you're working in the Cloud version you will not be able to see or use the Mendeley plug-in.

  • Mendeley's basic user account is free but when you set it up you may be prompted to authenticate using your DC credentials. 

    • The College does not currently have an institutional subscription to Mendeley - so authenticating does not come with additional cloud storage space.

      • However, Mendeley has an online search tool which provides access to high quality open access articles AND those published / owned by Elsevier. 

        • If you authenticate you will be able to open the full-text of everything that College users have access to without having to leave the Mendeley interface.

        • When using Mendeley's cloud version, click the Mendeley icon in the top left of your library page to go to the search interface.

        • When using Mendeley's desktop version, click Tools and then Search for articles online to open the search interface.

  • Has very similar features and functions to Zotero, - if you understand the basics of Zotero it's intuitive to figure out:

    • how to create folders – called “collections” in Mendeley.

    • how to add its version of a Web Connector to your browser as well as its Word plug-in.

    • how to de-dupe entries.

  • There aren't any major advantages or disadvantages over Zotero in terms of basic user functions BUT

    • in terms of team research -  Mendeley limits group libraries to 25 users.   Zotero has no limit to size/number of private groups.

    • Mendeley offers 2GB free cloud storage per account; Zotero only offers the first 300MB for free.  Keep this in mind when syncing from your desktop app to the cloud.
    • As noted above, Mendeley has a built-in database of open access and Elsevier owned/published work which is convenient and easy to use.  **It's not exhaustive, however, and should not be the sole search platform you use for any substantive reviews of the literature**


Mendeley Help Guides

Private Groups: Adding documents, working together, set up etc.