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Predatory Journals & Conferences



Think. Check. Submit: This site aims to help "researchers identify trusted journals and publishers for their research....through a range of tools and practical resources."  Organizers & contributors include DOAJ, BioMed Central, SPARC Europe, and Springer Nature.

Journal Evaluation Tool: From Loyola Marymount University - click the Download button to find an excellent rubric and scoring sheet to allow you to assess the credibility of any "journal you are considering for your work."

How to Assess a Journal: a brief, but helpful infographic from CARL

Identifying Deceptive Journals: PDF checklist from the University of Toronto

Search & Browse

Search & Browse

If you're uncertain of the quality/reputation of a particular journal you can check to see if it's indexed in the Library's scholarly database(s) that cover your discipline.  You can also check through the following sites, as relevant:

COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) "is committed to educating and supporting editors (and) publishers... with the aim of moving the culture of publishing towards one where ethical practices become a normal part of the publishing culture."  Browse or search for your journal or publisher to see if they are a member.


Beall's List of Potential Predatory Journals & Publishers: provides a searchable/browsable list of potentially predatory journals and publishers, as well as links to other useful sites, including Retraction Watch and various online journal evaluation tools.


Directory of Nursing Journals: This organization aims to "help nurse authors find suitable and reputable journals in which to publish their work. We also intend this Directory to affirm, for readers and consumers of nursing literature, the credibility of literature sources used to guide practice, research, policy and education."  Journals that wish to be included in this listing must undergo vetting according to this Checklist for Journal Applications.


INASP Journals Online Project: This organization aims to spotlight the "visibility, accessibility and quality of peer-reviewed journals published in developing countries so that the research outputs produced in these countries can be found, shared and used more effectively." Geographic focus is: Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Philippines & Vietnam.


African Journals Online: hosts over 500 peer-reviewed, academic journals published in Africa.


Open Access

If the journal you're considering is Open Access you can also check to see if it is indexed in or is a member of one of these following organizations:


DOAJ:  This database has "over 16,500 peer-reviewed open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities."

OASPA: (Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association).    Member journals go through a rigourous review process and must agree to OASPA's code of conduct.

Scielo: for Latin American scientific journals

Latindex and/or Redalyc: for journals that are published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain, and Portugal