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Decolonizing Curriculum: Faculty Resource Guide


Building Relationships in Indigenous Education. Ryan Neepin, Dr. Angela Nardozi (host), April 26, 2019

Indigenizing Curriculum | The Hub for Teaching and Learning Excellence. Kim Anderson, College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, March 14, 2019

Indigenizing the Academy: Indigenous Perspectives and Eurocentric Challenges.  Marie Battisten & Sákéj Henderson, UWinnipeg, April 13, 2016

Interrupting the Academy: Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Curriculum. Justin Wilson, Shirley Hardman, & Shelly Johnson, Simon Fraser University, November 3, 2020

What do Decolonization and Indigenization look like in the Classroom?  Shauneen Pete, Dr. Angela Nardozi (host), May 7, 2020

Selecting Resources with Indigenous Content. John Doran, Dr. Angela Nardozi (host), August 22, 2018

Introduction to the Curriculum Developers Guide for Indigenization.  BC Campus. January 2021.

Voices from here [videos and educational guide] Canadian Encyclopedia.  The "video series features stories of First Nations, Inuit and Métis participants...(which) shed light on histories of resilience and resurgence.”