Search for a range of OER materials including textbooks, courses and corresponding materials, interactive simulations, public domain books, audiobooks, modules, open access books, videos and podcasts on a variety of topics.
The Mason OER Metafinder helps you find Open Educational Resources. Unlike other OER discovery sites, with the Mason OER Metafinder you aren’t searching a static database. Instead, the OER Metafinder launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 22 different sources of open educational materials as you hit the Search button.
Since 2012 BCcampus has actively supported the use, creation, and adaptation of open textbooks in B.C. This has resulted in more than $30 million in student savings over 10 years. With the pandemic and rapid switch to remote online teaching, we looked for ways open education could support faculty in that transition. One approach was to fund the development of open course packs designed to have all the materials an instructor would need to teach an online course, such as a syllabus, instructor guide, activities, assignments, and assessments. Because the course packs are openly licensed, instructors can customize the materials to their needs.