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Celebrating Douglas College Authors

Bibliography: H - N

2024 Authors

Hotel, Carla Hotel, C. S. (2022). Henry's great escape. Friesen Press. 
Hutt, Cameron Hutt, C. (2023). Master your investment in the family business. CCH Publishing. 
Kozak, Nicole Mulupi, S., Ayakaka, I., Tolhurst, R., Kozak, N., Shayo, E.H., Abdalla, E., Osman, R., Egere, U., Mpagama, S.G., Chinouya, M., Chikaphupha, K.R., ElSony, A., Meme, H., Oronje, R., Ntinginya, N.E., Obasi, A., & Taegtmeyer, M. (2022). What are the barriers to the diagnosis and management of chronic respiratory disease in sub-Saharan Africa? A qualitative study with healthcare workers, national and regional policy stakeholders in five countries. BMJ open, 12(7). 
Lake, Robert Lake, R. J. (2023). ‘And how pretty they are!’ Lawn tennis, tourism and gender relations at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, 1880s-1920s. Journal of Urban History, 49(1), 200-220. 
Lalonde, Patrick Lalonde, P. C. (2023). Border security meets Black Mirror: Perceptions of technologization from the Windsor borderland. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 38(5), 723-744. 
Leyenhorst, Trevor Leyenhorst, T. (2022, November 2). E.G.L. service - closed for business (lessons from a mechanic’s 31-year career). [Video]. YouTube. 
  Leyenhorst, T. (2023, August 9). Opa’s garden: The Dutch touch. [Video]. YouTube. 
Maharjan, Salina Dhakal, T., Khanal, B., & Maharjan, S. (2023). Performance of exotic cucumber varieties under local cultivation practices in Kapilvastu district of Nepal. International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology, 8(5), 67-73. 
  Dhakal, T., & Maharjan S. (2023). Post-harvest technology adoption and income patterns of tomato  farmers in Nepal. Black Sea Journal of Agriculture, 6(4), 356-365. 
  Maharjan, S., & Dhakal, T. (2023). Undergraduate agriculture education in Nepal: A comprehensive  review. International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 11(10), 122-136. 
McKim, Denis McKim, D. (2022). “Tinged with gloom and grandeur”: Romanticism, conservatism & upper Canadian political culture. Ontario History, 114(2), 221–250. 
Moist, Shannon Sobol, B., Goncalves, A., Vis-Dunbar, M., Lacey, S., Moist, S., Jantzi, L., Gupta, A., Mussell, J., Foster, P. L., & James, K. (2023). Chat transcripts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of chats from the AskAway consortia. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 18(2), 73-92.