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Library Databases

A library database is a specialized, online collection of resources that includes high-quality, reliable information such as academic journal articles, e-books, research studies, and more. Depending on the database you search, you may also find subscription-based news and magazine articles, theses & dissertations, systematic review registries, and/or select government documents - which have been carefully selected, reviewed, and curated - and which you can search and filter with advanced functionality not found on the internet, such as being able to limit by subject.


Library databases often specialize in particular disciplines - meaning that the content will be focused on one or possibly a small set of inter-related subjects, including nursing and psychology!  


  • Scroll down to Nursing and/or Health Sciences/Medicine in our online list of "databases by subject" to see all the databases available to you relating to nursing, health and general medical research.
  • You can also find this list  on the Library homepage in the Articles & Databases menu.

CINAHL Complete

The premier database for nursing & allied health is CINAHL complete - which provides high-quality, peer-reviewed research articles for 50 specialties, including psychology and psychiatry. 


  • Please NOTE: one limitation of CINAHL pertains to Canadian content.  If you are not finding any/enough Canadian content in CINAHL, try re-doing your searches in CBCA Complete
  • If you're still stuck you're most welcome to reach out to your Health Sciences liaison librarian for further assistance!

The following two videos cover how to construct an advanced search, employ limiters to focus your search results, how to add additional databases, such as APA PsycINFO if needed and how to save your searches for the future.