Below is a list of some databases with good resources for marketing students.
Remember that if you are not on the Douglas College campus, you'll have to login with your last name and Douglas College student ID number before using the databases.
If your initial search brings you TOO FEW articles or even NO articles, have a look at this short video:
1) Check for spelling mistakes. If there are alternate spellings of your search terms, join them with the word "or".
behavior OR behaviour
2) Think of synonyms or related concepts for your topic. Join them with the word "or".
marketing OR advertising
3) Use the truncation symbol * to include variations of a word root.
manag* will find manage, manager, management, etc.
4) When you find an article that addresses your topic well, make note of the SUBJECTS that have been assigned to it. These may lead you to other articles on the same or similar topics.
5) Try a BROADER search term. Instead of shoe stores AND Vancouver try shoe stores AND British Columbia.
If you get TOO MANY articles, try these tricks:
1) Try a narrower or more specific search term. Instead of analysis, use SWOT analysis.
2) Search for phrases enclosed in quotation marks: "market research report"
3) When you find an article that matches your requirements well, look at its SUBJECTS. Use those subjects in your searches, instead of the more general keyword searches.
Adapted from "Super Searching Strategies: saving a Failed Search", Gordon Coleman, SFU Library (Burnaby B.C., Canada). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial_ShareAlike 3.0 license.